Sunday Morning In-Person / Live Stream Service
Christmas Eve Service
| 10 a.m. | Sunday Worship Service | Communion
Experience the Christmas story through choral music by the Bell Choir, Sanctuary Choir, Foundation, congregational singing, and inspiring message.
| 4:30 p.m. | Children's Pageant | Communion
Join the children and youth-led worship where you can experience the Christmas story through music, readings, and the nativity scene. End the service with candle lighting and singing of Silent Night.
| 9 p.m. | Lessons, Carols & Candle Lighting | Communion
Experience the Christmas story through choral music by the Sanctuary Choir, congregational singing, and inspiring message. End the service with candle lighting and singing of Silent Night.
All services will be live-streamed. No childcare available on Christmas Eve.
We welcome children and youth to all our Christmas Eve worship services.
View bulletin.
Offerings for children on Sunday mornings.
Our church nursery will be open from 8:45-11 AM for children ages 4 and under.
During our 10 AM worship service, we invite those attending with children to pick up a "Worship and Wonder Bag," located in the back of the sanctuary. Each bag will have a children's bible, a page for sermon notes or pictures, a coloring page that goes along with the sermon, and other hands-on activities to create something they hear about during worship.