Being a reconciling church means that we believe in the sacred worth of all human beings and as such, we believe that all of God’s children should be able to have full participation in the United Methodist Church, including ministry and marriage. We have officially affiliated ourselves with the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) and share its guiding principles.
A Message to Our LGBTQ+ Siblings:
You are welcome, affirmed and celebrated at BUMC
We are committed to providing a welcoming, safe place of worship and fellowship at BUMC
We are committed to utilizing inclusive language in both our written and spoken words
We aspire to resist oppression in whatever form it presents itself in our church, denomination and world.
We will intentionally include LGBTQ+ persons in leadership roles within our congregation.
We will, with God’s help, endeavor to learn how to grow in our hospitality to all of God’s children.