Music Ministry

Bell Choir (Roni Sawin, Director)
Festive Bell Choir
Children in 3rd grade and up are welcome to join the Festive Bell Choir. They meet every Tuesday at 6 pm from September through May. They perform once a month at the 10 am Sunday worship service. No prior experience is required, and the ability to read music is not necessary.
Wesley Bell Choir
Our Wesley Ringers Bell Choir is a “by invitation only” group of experienced bell ringers. They play music from the variety of genres and perform once a month at the 10 am Sunday worship service and on holidays. They meet on Thursday at 6 pm from September through May.
For more information about Bell Choirs, contact our director, Roni Sawin.
Children’s Choir
Cherub Choir (Beth Stone, Leader)
Children ages 3 through 1st grade meet in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday at 5:30 pm from September through May. They learn songs that help them to praise God. They also learn about rhythm and making their own music.
Lyric Choir (Rev. Jennifer Cho, Leader)
Children from1st through 5th grade meet in the choir room on Tuesday at 5:30 pm from September through May. They learn songs from a variety of genres that help them to share the love of God. They also learn about musical elements such as dynamics, tempo and rhythm.
For more information about Cherub or Lyric Choir, contact our Young Family Ministry Coordinator, Dohee Woo.

Sanctuary Choir (Rok Choi, Director)
The Sanctuary Choir at BUMC is comprised of adults who enjoy sharing their love of the Lord through music. This dedicated group of singers come together to rehearse every Thursday at 7 pm from September through May. They perform for the congregation from the choir loft every Sunday at 10 am worship service.
Foundation Praise Band (Rok Choi, Director)
The Foundation Praise Band provide contemporary music at the 10 am Sunday worship service. They play a variety of uplifting music to inspire the congregants and allowing them to feel the presence of God. They meet for rehearsal every Thursday at 8 pm from September through May.
For more information about Sanctuary Choir or Foundation Praise Band, contact our Music Director, Rok Choi.