COVID-19 Update dup

Hello Friends!

The Church Council of Bridgewater United Methodist Church has approved our Responsible Re-Opening Task Force. As this team works to create a plan for a responsible opening of BUMC, we will continue to follow the guidelines below.

  1. In-Person Worship Services are currently suspended.  Pre-recorded Sunday Worship Services will continue to be posted online on our website and Facebook page at 10 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

  2. In-person meetings, small groups, and outside facility use of the church facility are extremely limited. Youth group meetings, bell choir rehearsals, church clean-up day, and other indoor/outdoor church activities will be allowed with the approval of Rev. Jennifer and the Re-Opening Committee.  When entering the church, you must take your temperature and complete the sign-in form found in the church office.

  3. Our Wednesday Midweek Evening Service will continue to be offered through Zoom at 7 p.m. The Zoom link will be shared in the pastor's e-note each week, as well as on our Facebook page and website.

  4. Most meetings will continue to be held through Zoom.  Some groups have begun to meet in person, after receiving approval from the Re-opening Task Force. Group leaders should contact Rev. Jennifer or Rev. June for assistance with obtaining Zoom links.

  5. We will remain fully committed to being in ministry during this time and pastors are willing to provide pastoral care to all church families by email, phone, and video conferencing.

  6. We encourage you to continue supporting your church with your prayers, presence, and continued generous gifts.  You may share your financial gifts through our church app or by visiting the giving page, found on our website. If you prefer, you may provide your gift by mailing a check to the church – 651 Country Club Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807.

  7. The church office will be open with very limited hours. If you are planning to come into the church, you need to inform Rev. Jennifer prior to your visit. Please practice social distancing with others and disinfect the office and/or area in which you worked. You are required to wear a mask if in contact with others.

  8. Classes at the Children’s Corner Preschool have resumed.  The school is following all recommendations put forth by the CDC.

We continue to hold all in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep the faith and stay healthy!

Click for COVID-19 waiver. Please complete and bring this document with you when coming to the church.

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