Children & Young Family Ministry

Children & Young Family

Our Young Family Ministry serves as a group at BUMC for families who have children ranging in age from birth through 5th grade.  Our events are comprised of a mix of fellowship, service and spiritual opportunities.  This group, and its events, allows families with young children to deepen their relationships with God so that they many become more fully involved in BUMC and the body of Christ.

You don’t have to be a member of the congregation to participate and our activities are a welcoming and relaxed place to try out a small group at the church.  For more information, please contact the Young Family Ministry Coordinator, Veronica Sydlowski.

Terrific Tuesday

Join us Tuesday evenings for one of our many Tuesday night musical opportunities for kids.  
Contact Dohee Woo if you have any questions.

Cherub & Lyric Choirs – Our children’s choirs are led by Beth Stone (ages 3-6) and Rev. Jennifer Cho (ages 6-12).  The children are invited to praise God through song at their weekly rehearsals. 

Festive Ringers – Both bell choirs are led by Director Roni Sawin.  Children in 4th grade and up are invited to participate in Festive Ringers.  No prior experience is required.

Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School is held from 9 to 9:50 a.m.  During this time, parents will have an opportunity to join an adult Sunday School or socialize with other families.

We will meet downstairs in Children’s Corner classrooms.  We start in room 1/3 to watch the Bible story and then break up into smaller age-specific groups to explore the story some more.  We explore the Old Testament, Christmas story, New Testament, Easter Story, and post-resurrection stories in the Bible.

Please contact Veronica Sydlowski with any questions you may have.

Church Nursery

Our youngest disciples are invited into our Church Nursery each Sunday. Children ages 4 and under are greeted by the smiling faces of our Childcare providers each week. Our Childcare providers are on staff and members of BUMC and have completed a background check as well as the Safe Sanctuary Training of the United Methodist Church.

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